Mochammad Tanzil Multazam

Kepala Perpustakaan

Scopus ID:  

Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, a highly esteemed academic and legal expert, has been a pivotal figure at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo’s Law Department since 2013. His journey in academia began with a Master’s degree in Notarial Law from Universitas Airlangga, laying the foundation for a career marked by expertise and innovation in Business Law and Information Technology Law.

A testament to his dedication to academia is his role as an editor in a notable scientific journal since 2014. In 2016, he elevated his commitment by becoming the Advisor and person in charge of Academic Publication at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. His responsibilities expanded in 2023 as he took on the role of Head of the University’s Library, while continuing his previous positions.

Mr. Multazam’s influence extends beyond the university. Since 2016, he has been a Board of Supervisor for Relawan Jurnal Indonesia and involved with the Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Hukum. These non-profit organizations focus on enhancing the quality and management of Indonesian scientific journals. His role at Relawan Jurnal Indonesia as the leader in providing Digital Object Identifier services from Crossref is particularly notable. Under his guidance, the organization handles over 13,000 academic journals and 3,000 publishers, making it the largest Crossref Sponsoring Organization globally.

His advocacy for integrating digital technology in education and publishing is well-recognized. As a sought-after advisor and editor for international conferences, he has contributed to numerous prestigious events. His professional competencies span blockchain technology, cyber law, Open Journal System operation, science communication, open access journal development, and copyright licensing.

Mr. Multazam’s international reach is evident through his roles as the ORCID Ambassador for the Asia-Pacific region, and the DOAJ and Crossref Ambassador for Indonesia. He is a valued member of CASE (Council of Asian Science Editor) and the Cyberlaw Community in Indonesia. His passion for technology is reflected in his active engagement with various blockchain ecosystems, keeping him at the forefront of technological advancements.

In a significant move to enhance international collaboration among journal managers, Mr. Multazam, supported by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo and Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, established the Silkroad Research Network. This initiative fosters a community for scientific journal managers along the Silk Road to share knowledge and experiences, promoting mutual growth.

Mochammad Tanzil Multazam is not just a figure of academic excellence; he is a trusted authority in scholarly publishing, legal aspects of information technology, blockchain technology, intellectual property rights, and business law. His international scale and optimistic approach make him a reliable expert in these fields, inspiring confidence in his capabilities and vision.


  1. S1 Hukum- Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  2. S2 Kenotariatan- Universitas Airlangga

Organisasi AKTIF

  1. Kepala Perpustakaan UMSIDA 2023-Sekarang
  2. Founder/Director Silkroad Research Network 2023-Sekarang
  3. Sekretaris Dewan Pengawas Relawan Jurnal Indonesia 2022-Sekarang
  4. Kepala Bidang Divisi dan Pengembangan Produk Relawan Jurnal Indonesia 2019-Sekarang
  5. Ketua Bidang Sertifikasi Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Hukum Indonesia 2020-Sekarang
  6. Ambassador DOAJ untuk Indonesia 2018-Sekarang
  7. Ambassador ORCID untuk Asia Pacific 2016-Sekarang
  8. Anggota Council of Asian Science Editor 2018-Sekarang
  9. Anggota Majelis Hukum dan HAM PWM Jawa Timur 2023-Sekarang
  10. Anggota Majelis Hukum dan HAM PDM Sidoarjo 2023-Sekarang
  11. Anggota Penulis Profesional 2018-Sekarang
  12. Asesor LSP Penulis dan Editor Profesional 2018-Sekarang
  13. Wakil Ketua Forum Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah JATIM 2023-Sekarang
  14. Anggota Cyberlaw Community (ICLC) 2018

Organisasi -NON AKTIF

  1. Kepala UPT Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah UMSIDA 2016-2018
  2. Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah UMSIDA 2018-2023
  3. Ketua Dewan Pengawas Relawan Jurnal Indonesia 2017-2022
  4. Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Hukum Indonesia 2016-2020
  5. Ambassador Crossref untuk Indonesia 2017-2021
  6. Asesor Manajemen Jurnal Ilmiah Kemenristekdikti 2017-2020

Karya Ilmiah

Jurnal Ilmiah
No Judul Nama Buku/ Jurnal Tahun Terbit
1 Judul Artikel: Perlindungan Hak Tenaga Kerja Asing Setelah Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 6Tahun 2012 di Kabupaten Sidoarjo; Penulis: “Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy, Noor Fatimah Mediawati, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam “; Nama Jurnal: Rechtsidee ; Volume Jurnal: 2; Nomor Jurnal: 1; Halaman: 21-52; ISSN: ISSN 24433497 ; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2015; SINTA 3
2 Judul Artikel: Penerapan Open Science di Indonesia agar riset lebih terbuka, mudah Diakses, dan Meningkatkan Dampak Saintifik; Penulis: Dasapta Erwin Irawan(1*), Cut Novianti Rachmi(2), Hendy Irawan(3), Juneman Abraham(4), Kustiati Kusno(5), Mochammad Tanzil Multazam(6), KeuKeu Kaniawati Rosada(7), Septriono Hari Nugroho(8), Galih Kusumah(9), Defny Holidin(10), Nurhazman Abdul Aziz(11); Nama Jurnal: Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi; Volume Jurnal: 13; Nomor Jurnal: 1; Halaman: 25-36; ISSN: ISSN 2477-0361; Penerbit: Universitas Gajah Mada 2017; SINTA 2
3 Judul Artikel: Legal Protection for Consumer of the Unlicensed Vapor from Drug and Food Supervisory Agency; Penulis: Dedhi Bima Samudra, Noor Fatimah Mediawati, M Tanzil Multazam, Emy Rosna Wati; Nama Jurnal: Fiat Justisia; Volume Jurnal: 11; Nomor Jurnal: 4; Halaman: 371-380; ISSN: E-ISSN : 24776238 ; Penerbit: Universitas Lampung 2017; SINTA 2
4 Judul Artikel: Union Busting Dalam Hukum Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia; Penulis: Robi’atul Adawiyah,M.Tanzil Multazam*,Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevi; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 1; Nomor Jurnal: 1; Halaman: 6-10; ISSN: E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2017; SINTA 5
5 Judul Artikel: The law of Zakah for indebted company; Penulis: Imron Mawardi, I. Fauji, Kumara Adji Kusuma, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Jurnal: Opcion; Volume Jurnal: 34; Nomor Jurnal: 85; Halaman: 2804-2813; ISSN: ISSN 1769-1786; Penerbit: Universidad del Zulia 2018; SCOPUS Q3
6 Judul Artikel: The shifting of village autonomy concept in Indonesia; Penulis: Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Jurnal: Opcion; Volume Jurnal: 34; Nomor Jurnal: 85; Halaman: 2865-2885; ISSN: ISSN 1769-1786; Penerbit: Universidad del Zulia 2018; SCOPUS Q3
7 Judul Artikel: Mediasi Penal Sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Perkara Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga; Penulis: Emy Rosnawati, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Siti Dewi Khotimah, Rifqi Ridhlo Pahlevy; Nama Jurnal: ” DE JURE: JURNAL HUKUM DAN SYAR’IAH”; Volume Jurnal: 10; Nomor Jurnal: 2; Halaman: 61-71; ISSN: E-ISSN : 25281658 ; Penerbit: UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2018; Scopus
8 Judul Artikel: Era baru publikasi di Indonesia: status jurnal open access di Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ); Penulis: Dasapta Erwin Irawan(1*), Juneman Abraham(2), Mochammad Tanzil Multazam(3), Cut Novianti Rachmi(4), Indrya Mulyaningsih(5), Sparisoma Viridi(6), Rino Rakhmata Mukti(7), Mitra Djamal(8), Deny Juanda Puradimaja(9); Nama Jurnal: Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi; Volume Jurnal: 14; Nomor Jurnal: 2; Halaman: 133-147; ISSN: ISSN 2477-0361; Penerbit: Universitas Gajah Mada 2018; SINTA 2
9 Judul Artikel: Introducer Witness On Notary’s Deed Establishment: Forgotten Role in Indonesia Notarial Law Saksi Pengenal Pada Pembuatan Akta Notaris: Suatu Peran yang Dilupakan dalam Hukum Notaris di Indonesia; Penulis: Monica Firda Nurjannah, Sri Budi Purwaningsih, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Emy Rosnawati; Nama Jurnal: Rechtsidee ; Volume Jurnal: 4; Nomor Jurnal: 2; Halaman: 5-9; ISSN: 24433497 ; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2018; SINTA 3
10 Judul Artikel: Akibat Hukum Bagi Perusahaan Leasing yang Tidak Memberikan Dana Sesuai Kesepakatan Awal; Penulis: Agus Dwi Arifudin,M. Tanzil Multazam,Noor Fatimah Mediawati; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 1; Nomor Jurnal: 2; Halaman: 8-9; ISSN: E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2018; SINTA 5
11 Judul Artikel: Verlijden Pada Jabatan Notaris Di Indonesia (Bukti Di Sidoarjo); Penulis: Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Sri Budi Purwaningsih ; Nama Jurnal: RES JUDICATA; Volume Jurnal: 1; Nomor Jurnal: 1; Halaman: 19-33; ISSN: E-ISSN : 26211602; Penerbit: UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PONTIANAK 2018; SINTA 5
12 Judul Artikel: GO-PUB: Open-Select-Submit; Penulis: Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Andri Putra Kesmawan, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Eric Kunto; Nama Jurnal: Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) ; Volume Jurnal: 5; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 1-5; ISSN: ISSN 2367-7163; Penerbit: Pensoft Publishers 2019: INTERNASIONAL
13 Judul Artikel: Kontradiksi Aturan Perdagangan Sampah Lintas Negara di Indonesia; Penulis: Safrian Hamzah, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam;  Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 5; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 6-10; ISSN:  E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2019; SINTA 5
14 Judul Artikel: Optimalisasi Kapasitas Produksi dan Penjualan Pengrajin Kerupuk Ikan in Sidoarjo, Indonesia; Penulis: Emy Rosnawati, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development; Volume Jurnal: 3; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 8-13; ISSN: E-ISSN : 26156180; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2019; SINTA 5
15 Judul Artikel: Keabsahan Hukum Masa Tenggang Pembaharuan Perjanjian Kerja di Indonesia: Contoh dari PT. X di Sidoarjo; Penulis: Muhammad Ary Taufik,Noor Fatimah Mediawati,Rifqi RIdlo Phahlevy,Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 2; Nomor Jurnal: 2; Halaman: 6-10; ISSN: E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2019; SINTA 5;
16 Judul Artikel: Correlation of Internal Enterprise Adequacy Factors in Supporting Corporate Social Responsibility Activity Performance; Penulis: Gogor Arif HANDIWIBOWO, Bambang SYAIRUDIN, Rita AMBARWATI*, Mochammad Tanzil MULTAZAM; Nama Jurnal: Quality – Access to Success; Volume Jurnal: 21; Nomor Jurnal: 179; Halaman: 34-36; ISSN: ISSN:1582-2559; Penerbit: SRAC – Societatea Romana Pentru Asigurarea Calitatii 2020; SCOPUS Q3
17 Revolutionizing Legal Education: Embracing Technology to Equip Students for Success in the Digital Age.” Borneo Educational Journal (Borju) 2.2 (2020): 115-127. 2020; Sinta 5
18 Optimizing Village-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia: Legal Scheme and Best Practices for Sustainable Performance; Pengarang: Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Sri Budi Purwaningsih; Jurnal Middle European Scientific Bulletin; Jilid 15; Halaman 90-100; Penerbit Publishing house Education and Science s.r.o. 2021; Jurnal Internasional Copernicus
19 Unleashing the Potential of DeFi: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Rewards While Mitigating Risks.” Ganaya: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora 4.2 (2021): 906-918. 2021; Sinta 3
20 Judul Artikel: Tanggunggugat Pemerintah Indonesia Terhadap Degradasi Hutan Akibat Deforestasi Berdasarkan Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Penulis: Cherin Ayudia Sari, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Jurnal: Rechtsidee ; Volume Jurnal: 8; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 5-11; ISSN: 24433497 ; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2021; SINTA 3
21 Judul Artikel: Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Bagi Pelaku Pelanggaran Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar; Penulis: Apriliya Nursyabani Bachtyar, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 13; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 8-10; ISSN:  E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2021; SINTA 5
22 Judul Artikel: Standar dalam melakukan uji tuntas hukum: Perkembangan saat ini; Penulis: Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy, Regita Amanah Huzairin, Melati Indah Purnama; Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review; Volume Jurnal: 15; Nomor Jurnal: ; Halaman: 6-12; ISSN:  E-ISSN : 25989928; Penerbit: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 2022; SINTA 5
23 Legal Protection for Land Plot Buyers in Sidoarjo Regency.”  17 (2022): 10-21070. Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review 2022; SINTA 5
24 Errors in Transfer of Funds Judging from Law Number 3 of 2011 concerning Funds Transfer and the Civil Code.” 17 (2022): 10-21070. Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review 2022; SINTA 5
25 Legal Consequences for Investors Who Invest in Unregistered Equity Crowdfunding in Indonesia.”  17 (2022): 10-21070. Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review 2022; SINTA 5
26 Standards for conducting legal due diligence: Current developments.” 15 (2022): 10-21070. Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review 2022; SINTA 5
27 Exploring the Legal and Policy Implications of Non-Fungible Tokens.” 4.2 (2022): 293-303. Jurnal Politik dan Pemerintahan Daerah 2022; SINTA 6
28 Legal Protection for Workers who are at risk of being laid off due to exposure to Covid-19.” 22 (2023): 10-21070. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies 2023; INTERNASIONAL
29 Legal Ambiguity of the Able Requirement for a Husband to Practice Polygamy in Indonesia.”  8 (2023): 10-21070. Academia Open 2023; SINTA 5
30 Is It Legal to Provide Liquidity on the Vexanium Decentralized Exchange in Indonesia?;  Vol 12, No 1 2023 Yustisia 2023; Scopus Q3
30 Securing Blockchain Enterprises: Legal Due Diligence Amidst Rising Cyber Threats; 11 (1), 26-52 PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW) 2023; Scopus Q3


No Judul Prosiding Tahun Terbit
1 Judul Artikel: Classification of Indonesian quote on Twitter using Naïve Bayes; Penulis: A Rachmadany, Y M Pranoto, Gunawan, M T Multazam, A B D Nandiyanto, A G Abdullah and I Widiaty; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017) ; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Januari 2018; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN : 1757-899X 2017; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
2 Judul Artikel: Integration Telegram Bot on E-Complaint Applications in College; Penulis: M A Rosid, A Rachmadany, M T Multazam, A B D Nandiyanto, A G Abdullah and I Widiaty Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017) ; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Januari 2018; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN : 1757-899X 2017; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
3 Judul Artikel: Bureaucratic Reforms in Attaining Gender-Equitable Good Governance in Indonesian Local Government; Penulis: Luluk Fauziah, Mashudi Mashudi and Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018); Penyelenggara: scitepress; Waktu Pelaksanaan: April 2018; ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8 2018; Prosiding Internasional WoS
4 Judul Artikel: Assessment for good university governance in higher education focus on align strategy business with it at big data era; Penulis: Djoko C.U. Lieharyani, R.V. Hari Ginardi, Rita Ambarwati and Mochammad T. Multazam; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: 1st International Conference on Advance and Scientific Innovation 23–24 April 2018; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Juni 2019; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 1742-6596 2019; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
5 Judul Artikel: Combination Base64 and GOST algorithm for security process; Penulis: R Rahim, S Sumarno, M T Multazam, S Thamrin and S H Sumantri; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Desember 2019; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 1742-6596 2019; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
6 Judul Artikel: Index group optimization based on automatic clustering using K-Means genetic algorithm; Penulis: M T Multazam, R Dijaya and N M S Devi; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Desember 2019; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 1742-6596 2019; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
7 Judul Artikel: GOST enhancement key processing with Triple Transposition Key; Penulis: R Rahim, S Suprianto and M T Multazam; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Desember 2019; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 1742-6596 2019; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
8 Judul Artikel: Puzzle game solving with breadth first search algorithm; Penulis: R Rahim, R Dijaya, M T Multazam, A Daengs GS and D Sudrajat; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference; Penyelenggara: IOP Publisher; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Desember 2019; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 1742-6596 2019; Prosiding Internasional Scopus
9 Judul Artikel: Motorized Pedicabs in Indonesia’s Legislative Framework; Penulis: Fachmi Ian Yahya, Noor Fatimah Mediawati, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Natural and Social Science Education (ICNSSE 2020); Penyelenggara: Atlantis Pres; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Mei 2021; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 2352-5398 2021; Prosiding Internasional WoS
10 Judul Artikel: Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Perusahaan Pembuangan Limbah B3 di Jawa Timur dari Perspektif Keadilan Ekologis; Penulis: Emy Rosnawati, Abdul Fatah, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Nama Seminar/Konferensi/Simposium: Proceedings of the 1st SENARA 2022; Penyelenggara: Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities – Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo; Waktu Pelaksanaan: Juli 2022; ISBN/ISSN: ISSN – 2722-0672 2022; Prosiding Nasional
11 Notary Violation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia.”   331-338. KnE Social Sciences 2022; Prosiding Internasional WoS
12 Personal Data Collection: Recent Developments in Indonesia.”  (2022): 52-63. KnE Social Sciences 2022; Prosiding Internasional WoS
13 Solid Waste Management in Sidoarjo at Present.” (2022): 999-1003. Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities 2022; Prosiding Nasional


No Judul Penerbit Tahun Terbit
1 Buku Ajar Hukum Lingkungan Umsida Press 2022
2 Teknologi Blockchain dan Implementasinya Yayasan Kita Menulis 2022
3 Buku Ajar Hukum Perusahaan Umsida Press 2023
4 Manajemen Backlinks Konteks Webometrics Umsida Press 2023

Kegiatan Ilmiah

Editor Prosiding Internasional
No Seminar Penyelenggara Penerbit Tahun Terbit Link
1 ICIGR Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Atlantis Press/Springer/WoS 2018
2 ICEMSS Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo EAI/Springer 2018
3 SU-AFBE Sampoerna University EAI/Springer 2019
4 CIFET Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo EAI/Springer 2020
5 ICAS-PGS Universitas Indonesia EAI/Springer 2020
6 ICESE Relawan Jurnal Indonesia IOP/Scopus 2020
7 AFBE 2019 Universitas Brawijaya Atlantis Press/Springer/WoS 2020
8 ICESE Universitas Trisakti IOP/Scopus 2021
9 ACHOST Relawan Jurnal Indonesia IOP/Scopus 2021
10 Vicospiled Relawan Jurnal Indonesia DeGruyter/WoS 2021
11 ICNSSE UHAMKA Atlantis Press/Springer/WoS 2021
12 ICONBMT UNUSA-ITS Atlantis Press/Springer/WoS 2021
13 ICIGR Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo KnowE/WoS 2022
14 Vicospiled Relawan Jurnal Indonesia KnowE/WoS 2022
15 ICONIK IAIN Kendari KnowE/WoS 2022
16 ACHOST Relawan Jurnal Indonesia IOP/Scopus 2022
17 ICAFE UPNV Yogyakarta IOP/Scopus 2022
18 ICEMINE UPNV Yogyakarta AIP/Scopus 2023
Editor Jurnal Ilmiah